モレ・サン・ドニに本拠を構え、家族4代にわたって続くドメーヌです。1993年に現当主のクリストフ ペロ・ミノ氏が父からドメーヌを引き継いだ際にワイン造り・ブドウ造りを大幅に変更し、ワイン・スペクテーターなどで特集記事が組まれるなどその評価もうなぎのぼりに上がって来ている大注目株です。最新のクラスマンの評価では、メオ・カミュゼやドミニク・ローランなどと並ぶ「★★2つ星」を獲得し、現段階では「さまざまな技法・最新技術を試している段階です。これらを習熟すれば昔ながらの手仕事に頼っているだけでは到達できない高いレベルの品質の安定を得られるだろう」(途中略)とかなりの高評価と将来に渡る期待を寄せられています。
「マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ」は、所有している畑の面積は1ha、樹齢は50年以上です。砂利混じりの粘土石灰質で手入れが行き届いているため土壌はふかふかです。フレッシュさやハリのあるタンニンを感じる男性的なスタイルのワイン。シャルム・シャンベルタンを名乗れますが、味わいの違いを的確に表現するため敢えて「マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン」として瓶詰め。
■テクニカル情報■ 醸造・栽培、所有面積:1ha、土壌:粘土質石灰岩土壌で構成され砂利が混ざる。ぶどう品種(セパージュ):Pinot Noir 100%、平均樹齢:50年
ドメーヌ・ペロ・ミノ マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
ワインレポート 山本昭彦氏 2016/05/21 試飲記事より
ワインアドヴォケイト:(94-96) ポイント
Rating (94-96) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by Neal Martin Issue Date 30th Dec 2013 Source 210, The Wine Advocate
The 2012 Mazoyeres-Chambertin Grand Cru comes from 50-year old vines and this vintage includes 50% whole cluster fruit. The stem addition lends the aromatics more complexity and nuance, fresh blackberry and boysenberry fruit complemented by hints of marmalade and quince. The palate is medium-bodied with silk smooth tannins that are a little fuller and more rounded than the other grand crus from this domaine. It lends this Mazoyeres fine weight and persistency, the finish neat and tidy with an undercurrent of mineralite and edginess. This is one of the best from Christophe Perrot-Minot this year.
The job of a wine critic is not easy, not at this level. There is a level of expectation on behalf of the winemaker commensurate with his generic red, all the way up to his grand cru, expectation determined less by the performance of its peers a la Bordeaux, but governed by the effort, the labor and love that has been expended in its creation. Christophe Perrot-Minot is one winemaker who I admire. We taste through his wines but it’s a two-way street. Christophe appreciates feedback, which I oblige if time permits and they do not expect scores or individual assessments and that they are aware my response will be frank. Why lie when it’s going to be written? What I appreciate about Christophe is that I perhaps hit him hard with my opinion that his wines have a leitmotif that might exist at the expense of terroir expression. To paraphrase, if you like one of Perrot-Minot’s wines you will be endeared to them all since my palate continually picked out similar fruit profiles and textures. An analogy that sprang to mind was of someone trying too hard to be your friend. During our exchange, I suggested that just maybe, he should not be so severe in his selection, as admirable that may be. His wines might succor more charm if just for once they included a soupcon of errant berries, perhaps dial down a notch the pigeage and remontage, just to think about the wines less intensely than I think he does. Just go with the flow. That has been my conclusion having tasted here before and it is no different apropos his 2012s. “We lost quantity during flowering, especially in the south part of Cote de Nuits,” Christophe informs. “It was not a very nice summer, but during the harvest it was good weather. Part of the fruit was not ripe so it was important to sort. We produced around 20 to 25 hectoliters per hectare. I cannot remember the date we started the harvest...when it was ripe for me!”I liked these wines, but I think they can be even better. They all contain immense fruit purity with those dark cherry fruit and cashmere textures are seductive. What I would like to see is a diversification in fruit profile, as I mentioned to Christophe, enhance the red fruit spectrum more, let the terroir speak louder than the intention of the winemaker. All Christophe’s wines were tasted from cask that had not been racked, which will be done just before bottling in spring.
vinous:94 ポイント
94 Drinking Window 2024 - 2039 From: The 2012 Red Burgundies from Bottle (Mar 2015)
(production here was just 24 hectoliters per hectare, according to Perrot-Minot): Bright, dark red. Expressive nose melds raspberry, black cherry, mocha, coffee, tobacco and spices, lifted by a topnote of orange zest. Concentrated and wild on the palate, offering terrific sweetness and thickness but also outstanding inner-mouth tension. Dark fruit flavors are complicated by a saline quality and a hint of game. The explosively long, ripely tannic finish shows a medicinal reserve that suggests this wine will evolve very slowly.- By Stephen Tanzer on November 2014
Perrot Minot / ペロ・ミノ について
Perrot Minot / ペロ・ミノ
モレ・サン・ドニに本拠を構え、家族4代にわたって続くドメーヌです。1993年に現当主のクリストフ ペロ・ミノ氏が父からドメーヌを引き継いだ際にワイン造り・ブドウ造りを大幅に変更し、ワイン・スペクテーターなどで特集記事が組まれるなどその評価もうなぎのぼりに上がって来ている大注目株です。
新しい畑の購入、ジュブレ・シャンベルタン プルミエクリュ カズティの買いブドウでの醸造、2002年の醸造時からCPM(自動攪拌器)を使い始めるなど最新技術の導入にも努めており、試行錯誤を繰り返しています。
このドメーヌの畑には、2つの種類があります。1つは家族代々受け継がれドメーヌ アンリ ペロ・ミノとしてリリースされるワインに使われるブドウを栽培する畑です。そしてもう1つはクリフトフ ペロ・ミノ氏がドメーヌを引き継いでから増やした畑で、その多くは1999年に引退したペルナン・ロッサンの畑です。これらのワインはドメーヌ クリストフ ペロ・ミノとしてリリースされていますが、どちらもクリストフ氏が畑の管理、醸造を一手に手がけているものです。
モレ・サン・ドニに本拠を構え、家族4代にわたって続くドメーヌです。1993年に現当主のクリストフ ペロ・ミノ氏が父からドメーヌを引き継いだ際にワイン造り・ブドウ造りを大幅に変更し、ワイン・スペクテーターなどで特集記事が組まれるなどその評価もうなぎのぼりに上がって来ている大注目株です。最新のクラスマンの評価では、メオ・カミュゼやドミニク・ローランなどと並ぶ「★★2つ星」を獲得し、現段階では「さまざまな技法・最新技術を試している段階です。これらを習熟すれば昔ながらの手仕事に頼っているだけでは到達できない高いレベルの品質の安定を得られるだろう」(途中略)とかなりの高評価と将来に渡る期待を寄せられています。
「マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ」は、所有している畑の面積は1ha、樹齢は50年以上です。砂利混じりの粘土石灰質で手入れが行き届いているため土壌はふかふかです。フレッシュさやハリのあるタンニンを感じる男性的なスタイルのワイン。シャルム・シャンベルタンを名乗れますが、味わいの違いを的確に表現するため敢えて「マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン」として瓶詰め。
■テクニカル情報■ 醸造・栽培、所有面積:1ha、土壌:粘土質石灰岩土壌で構成され砂利が混ざる。ぶどう品種(セパージュ):Pinot Noir 100%、平均樹齢:50年
ドメーヌ・ペロ・ミノ マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ ヴィエーユ・ヴィーニュ
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
ワインレポート 山本昭彦氏 2016/05/21 試飲記事より
ワインアドヴォケイト:(94-96) ポイント
Rating (94-96) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by Neal Martin Issue Date 30th Dec 2013 Source 210, The Wine Advocate
The 2012 Mazoyeres-Chambertin Grand Cru comes from 50-year old vines and this vintage includes 50% whole cluster fruit. The stem addition lends the aromatics more complexity and nuance, fresh blackberry and boysenberry fruit complemented by hints of marmalade and quince. The palate is medium-bodied with silk smooth tannins that are a little fuller and more rounded than the other grand crus from this domaine. It lends this Mazoyeres fine weight and persistency, the finish neat and tidy with an undercurrent of mineralite and edginess. This is one of the best from Christophe Perrot-Minot this year.
The job of a wine critic is not easy, not at this level. There is a level of expectation on behalf of the winemaker commensurate with his generic red, all the way up to his grand cru, expectation determined less by the performance of its peers a la Bordeaux, but governed by the effort, the labor and love that has been expended in its creation. Christophe Perrot-Minot is one winemaker who I admire. We taste through his wines but it’s a two-way street. Christophe appreciates feedback, which I oblige if time permits and they do not expect scores or individual assessments and that they are aware my response will be frank. Why lie when it’s going to be written? What I appreciate about Christophe is that I perhaps hit him hard with my opinion that his wines have a leitmotif that might exist at the expense of terroir expression. To paraphrase, if you like one of Perrot-Minot’s wines you will be endeared to them all since my palate continually picked out similar fruit profiles and textures. An analogy that sprang to mind was of someone trying too hard to be your friend. During our exchange, I suggested that just maybe, he should not be so severe in his selection, as admirable that may be. His wines might succor more charm if just for once they included a soupcon of errant berries, perhaps dial down a notch the pigeage and remontage, just to think about the wines less intensely than I think he does. Just go with the flow. That has been my conclusion having tasted here before and it is no different apropos his 2012s. “We lost quantity during flowering, especially in the south part of Cote de Nuits,” Christophe informs. “It was not a very nice summer, but during the harvest it was good weather. Part of the fruit was not ripe so it was important to sort. We produced around 20 to 25 hectoliters per hectare. I cannot remember the date we started the harvest...when it was ripe for me!”I liked these wines, but I think they can be even better. They all contain immense fruit purity with those dark cherry fruit and cashmere textures are seductive. What I would like to see is a diversification in fruit profile, as I mentioned to Christophe, enhance the red fruit spectrum more, let the terroir speak louder than the intention of the winemaker. All Christophe’s wines were tasted from cask that had not been racked, which will be done just before bottling in spring.
vinous:94 ポイント
94 Drinking Window 2024 - 2039 From: The 2012 Red Burgundies from Bottle (Mar 2015)
(production here was just 24 hectoliters per hectare, according to Perrot-Minot): Bright, dark red. Expressive nose melds raspberry, black cherry, mocha, coffee, tobacco and spices, lifted by a topnote of orange zest. Concentrated and wild on the palate, offering terrific sweetness and thickness but also outstanding inner-mouth tension. Dark fruit flavors are complicated by a saline quality and a hint of game. The explosively long, ripely tannic finish shows a medicinal reserve that suggests this wine will evolve very slowly.- By Stephen Tanzer on November 2014